Our Strapping And Taping Services

At The Physio Company, our chartered physiotherapists are highly experienced and educated in strapping and taping techniques for injury rehabilitation and re-injury prevention. You can schedule an appointment for strapping at any of our physio clinics nationwide through our online booking portal here. We also offer a dedicated Strapping and Taping Service at our Sandymount Physiotherapy Clinic at the Railway Union Sports Club, with Saturday appointments available. Book online now via the link below or by getting in touch with our Patient Services team via 01 611 1740 or info@spectrumhealth.ie.

What Is Strapping And Taping?

Strapping or taping refers to the strategic application of tape to a vulnerable or injured joint or structure in order to limit excess or abnormal movement that may contribute to pain or further injury while engaging in physical activity. The technique should also provide additional support to the surrounding muscles and structures of an injury, relieving pressure and reducing pain. 

Strapping is often done prior to partaking in a sporting event, match or physical activity in order to protect a problem area and prevent recurrence of a previous injury. Strapping and taping can help to prevent injury as well as protect an athlete from re-injury whilst returning to sport. It can also be used on patients to inhibit muscles spasms and promote normal positioning. 

Taping can sometimes also enhance co-ordination. For example if an ankle that is taped up starts to turn over during a jump the tape will prevent this from happening, letting the body know it needs to contract the muscles in the area to restrict this movement. If the tape wasn’t in place, the individual may be unaware of this movement occurring and could injure it again by landing on it badly. 

Strapping and taping techniques are usually employed as part of an wider injury rehabilitation programme which may include hands-on treatment, mobility and strengthening exercises and a stretching regime. 

Conditions Strapping Can Help With

  • Sports Injuries
  • Heel Pain
  • Wrist & Finger Instability
  • Knee Instability
  • Achilles Tendon Strain
  • Ankle Injuries
  • Bruised Heel Taping
  • Plantar Fasciitis
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