
Combatting Text Neck: Tips to Reduce Strain & Improve Posture

Combatting Text Neck: Tips to Reduce Strain & Improve Posture

Text neck refers to the strain and discomfort that result from prolonged periods spent looking down at electronic devices, leading to poor posture and potential long-term health consequences. In this blog post, we'll explore what text neck is, its effects on the body, and practical strategies to reduce its impact and promote better posture. 

Preventing Neck Pain While Studying

Preventing Neck Pain While Studying

When studying, your mind is focused on many different things: exams, projects, deadlines, scheduling, remembering what you need to learn, and actually learning it. It’s easy to allow studying to take control of your time and focus, and although it must be done, this can cause us to forget about our wellbeing. Diet and sleep are the most famously hard-hit areas during study time, but one area that is overlooked all too often is the strain we put on our necks.

Postural Rehabilitation Class In Cork

We are happy to announce we will be holding Posture Rehabilitation classes in January, in Cork. These classes are specifically geared towards beginners. Our classes are designed for men and women who suffer from poor posture due to poor muscle tone and weakened core. The result of this is often back and neck pain, and discomfort while performing everyday tasks

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