
8 Ways To Improve Your Golf Swing And Reduce Your Handicap

8 Ways To Improve Your Golf Swing And Reduce Your Handicap

Have you recently started playing golf? Are you an experienced player tired of taking longer than your golf friends to get around the course? Everyone is competitive, it’s in our nature. No matter what task is at hand, we always strive to do our best. It’s no different when it comes to playing golf.

Sport recommendations for adults

Sport recommendations for adults

Whether you’re a sports fanatic who just fell out of practice, or someone looking to throw a ball for the first time in your life, it’s never too late to pick up a new past time. You might be put off by the idea that you won’t be as good as the rest, or understand the rules of the game, but lots of people start a new sport in adulthood, and you’ll be able to find people on your level. The benefits that picking up a new sport can have to your health are countless, so below we have listed some of the most popular sports for adults.

Physiotherapy and Sports - Hand in Hand

The more we learn, the more physiotherapy becomes an effective tool for preventing injuries and training our bodies. An increasing number of sportspeople are now using the techniques they have learnt from physiotherapy in this way, so we’re going to look at some of the main ways this is done.

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