Most Common Hurling Injuries

Most Common Hurling Injuries

When you decide to play any sport, you’re willing to risk getting injured. While there is an inherent risk of injury in every sport, the kinds of injuries and the likelihood of sustaining them varies greatly from sport to sport. Unfortunately, Irish sports are often overlooked by the broader medical community, so today we’re going to look at some of the most common injuries in one of Ireland’s oldest and roughest sports: hurling.

5 Tips on Preventing ''Tech Neck''

5 Tips on Preventing ''Tech Neck''

The very fact that you are reading this means that you could be at risk of developing “tech neck”. As the name implies, tech neck is a term used to describe pain in the neck that results from overuse of technology. With screens becoming increasingly omnipresent in our everyday lives, we are all at risk of developing tech neck, so here are steps you can take to prevent it.

Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy

Extracorporeal shockwave therapy, ESWT, or simply “shockwave therapy” for short is the use of shockwaves to treat inflammations of the tendons around our joints. Although it is a relatively unknown therapy in the public eye, shockwave therapy has proven to be a popular choice among many athletes, as well as people with chronic pain.


The majority of whiplash cases result from road traffic accidents where the head is thrown back and then whipped forward. The injury might also be a result of some force to the head, normally during sporting activities such as boxing or rugby. Whatever the cause, physiotherapy has proven incredibly valuable in the healing process.

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