
Physiotherapy and Headaches: What Can We Do?

Physiotherapy and Headaches: What Can We Do?

The first step in effectively treating any headache is to correctly identify the type of headache you are experiencing, followed by its root cause. A physiotherapist can help you identify both of these things, and work with you to lay out a range of treatment options and work towards reducing the level and frequency of this pain.

5 Tips on Preventing ''Tech Neck''

5 Tips on Preventing ''Tech Neck''

The very fact that you are reading this means that you could be at risk of developing “tech neck”. As the name implies, tech neck is a term used to describe pain in the neck that results from overuse of technology. With screens becoming increasingly omnipresent in our everyday lives, we are all at risk of developing tech neck, so here are steps you can take to prevent it.

How To Avoid Mishaps & Injury During Warm Summer Weather

Ireland and its normally sun deprived, milk-bottled inhabitants are all still in shock  that we are now into our second spell of beautiful sunny weather of the Summer ! With temperatures having reached the high 20′s in some parts of the country it is no surprise that everyone is lapping up as much Vitamin D as they can. 

We cannot be sure how long it will last for but we will continue to enjoy it as long as it is here! Not to try and put a damp note on this but there are a number of things we should consider while its hot hot hot. There are a few warm weather pitfalls which can be easily avoided, so here they are!

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