Muscle Cramping - Why It Happens And How To Prevent It

Muscle Cramping - Why It Happens And How To Prevent It

Muscle cramp is a term used to describe the involuntary contraction of a muscle, which does not immediately relax afterwards. If relaxation of the muscle does occur straight after, it is a spasm. Any muscle in the body is capable of cramping, although the muscles in the legs are far more susceptible to cramps than any other. A muscle that cramps will often become tangibly, and sometimes visibly, stiffer.

How Physiotherapy Can Help Migraine Sufferers

How Physiotherapy Can Help Migraine Sufferers

A migraine is a chronic neurological disorder where a person will suffer head pain on one side of their head. Migraines are usually described as a throbbing sensation, and are rarely classified as mild. Many people experiencing migraines will also experience nausea, and sensitivity to light or noise. For most people, a migraine attack will mean total disruption to their normal daily routine, and can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days.

What Pain In Different Parts Of Your Back Can Mean

What Pain In Different Parts Of Your Back Can Mean

Suffering from back pain can be a frustrating experience, as even the slightest pain can be persistent and throw our days into chaos. Almost every activity we do, whether it is working, exercising, watching TV, or even sleeping suddenly becomes a struggle to get comfortable and stay focused. How to deal with this pain depends heavily on what the cause of it is, so in this blog, we’re going to look at what different pains in parts of your back can mean.

Common Causes Of Calf Muscle Pain And How To Look After It

Common Causes Of Calf Muscle Pain And How To Look After It

The calf is one of the most frequently injured body parts, especially if you are a particularly active person. As well as the three major muscles, the soleus, the medial gastrocnemius, and the lateral gastrocnemius, the calf also contains the smaller plantaris muscles, the tibia, the fibula, and a number of tendons and ligaments. Calf pain can arise from any one of these areas, so in this blog, we will look at some of the most common causes of calf pain, and how to treat them.

Most Common Gymnastic Injuries

Most Common Gymnastic Injuries

Gymnastics is a sport that requires both power and poise. Not only can the moves involved be extremely complex, but they often require the gymnast to use the majority of their body parts at once, and can place joints in particular under extreme strain. While injuries are common in any sport, they are exceedingly common in gymnastics, so in this blog, we’re going to look at some of the most common gymnastic injuries.

Tips on Getting Ready For a Triathalon

Tips on Getting Ready For a Triathalon

There are lots of great reasons to take part in a triathlon. For some, it’s an interesting new challenge, for others, it’s a great form of cross-training to overcome injuries, and some people just feel that they’re good enough at running, swimming, and cycling to give all three a go at once. Whatever your reasons for entering may be, here are our tips on getting ready for a triathlon.

Pre-Season Tips For Getting Back Into Shape

Pre-Season Tips For Getting Back Into Shape

After the summer we’ve had this year, running from shade to shade is about as much exercise as some of us have gotten. Whatever your sport of choice may be, it’s okay, even advisable, to take a break for a few weeks. But with September drawing ever closer, people all across the country are beginning to prepare themselves for the next season. If you have been spending your days at the beach and your evenings at barbecues, then it shouldn’t be a huge surprise if you have a little extra work to do. But if you start early, you can get back into shape, improve your game, and minimise your risk of injury.

Piriformis Syndrome and What to Do About It

Piriformis Syndrome and What to Do About It

Piriformis syndrome is a neuromuscular condition that occurs when the piriformis muscle compresses the sciatic nerve. As both the piriformis muscle and the sciatic nerve are located at least in part in the buttocks, the first symptoms of the condition are tingling or numbness in that area. As the condition progresses, this can turn into a pain that radiates about halfway down the leg, and possibly slightly up into the back as well. Because of the pain associated with piriformis syndrome, sufferers can find that they have a reduced range of motion in the hip.

Positive Effects of Pilates

Positive Effects of Pilates

Anyone who has been practicing pilates for a while will be familiar with the vast physical and mental benefits it can have, but those who are just considering taking it up may not realise how beneficial it can be. Whether it’s keeping us limber or helping our brains stay young, there are a lot of reasons to seriously consider taking up pilates. In this blog, we’re going to look at some of the most positive effects it can have.

Why Our Glutes Are So Important

Why Our Glutes Are So Important

For many people, the only reason to give the glutes a workout is for the aesthetic benefit. But as great as it would be if we could all look like Kim Kardashian, there are actually many health benefits to keeping your glutes in shape. They are the largest muscle group in the body, consisting of the Gluteus Minimus, Gluteus Medius, and the well-known Gluteus Maximus. These muscles play a vital role in how we walk, run, stand, sit… basically they are always doing something important. For this reason, having healthy glutes is important in maintaining good health in other areas of your body, the most important of which we will look at below.

Exploring The Different Kinds of Massage and How

Exploring The Different Kinds of Massage and How

The history of massage therapy can be traced back thousands of years, with the earliest written records discovered to date being “The Yellow Emperor’s Classic Book of Internal Medicine”, which was written around the year 2700 BC. The Ancient Egyptians were using massage as a form of medicine as far back as 2500 BC, while India has written records of massage dating back to 1500 BC. The practice of massage was first introduced to the Western world in the early 19th Century by Dr. Per Henril Ling, before being improved upon by Johan Georg Mezger. The result was what we now call the Swedish massage, and it is the most popular massage in the west.

The Effects of Grip Size on Tennis Performance and Injury

The Effects of Grip Size on Tennis Performance and Injury

If you’re just starting out in tennis, you may not realise the importance of grip size. A lot of research has been carried out in this area over the years, and what we have found is that different grip sizes make people susceptible to different injuries. In this blog, we’re going to look at the effects grip size can have on performance and injury, and how to choose the right size for you.

Common Football Injuries and Their Meanings for a Player

Common Football Injuries and Their Meanings for a Player

Football is one of the most popular games in Ireland and across the world. Thankfully this means that there has been a lot of research into the kinds of injuries incurred by players most often. These can be classified into one of two major categories: overuse, or acute. An overuse injury occurs when repeating the same movement gradually wears down our cartilage, tendons, or muscles, while an acute injury occurs suddenly, like a sprain. Below, we have listed some of the most common football injuries, and how they will affect the player.

Do injuries take longer to heal as we age?

Do injuries take longer to heal as we age?

Most of us are at our most susceptible to injury in the earliest and latest years of our lives. When we are young, we endure all sorts of bashes and tumbles as we rush to frantically explore the world around us, but we seem to be able to bounce right back up and shake them off. When we are older, we have less energy, and our reaction times are slower, which makes us more likely to fall or get hit by something.

Tension headaches

Tension headaches

Tension headaches, also known as stress headaches, are the most common type of headache, and can cause anywhere from mild to intense pain. They are characterised by a dull pain, tender head, and feelings of pressure around the head, as though you are wearing a headband.

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