Strain- How to Prevent it?

Strain- How to Prevent it?

Strains are one of the most common types of injuries people sustain. There are various degrees of strains, and they can affect more or less any part of our body. This blog will give a broad overview of what strains are, what causes them, their implications, and how to prevent and heal them.

Osgood-Schlatter Disease

Osgood-Schlatter Disease

Osgood-Schlatter disease is the inflammation of the Tibial Tubercle, which is where the Patellar Tendon connects to the kneecap, running down to the shinbone. The primary cause of the condition is sudden growth spurts, which is further exacerbated by physical activity (not necessarily excessive activity, it must be noted)

Preventing Neck Pain While Studying

Preventing Neck Pain While Studying

When studying, your mind is focused on many different things: exams, projects, deadlines, scheduling, remembering what you need to learn, and actually learning it. It’s easy to allow studying to take control of your time and focus, and although it must be done, this can cause us to forget about our wellbeing. Diet and sleep are the most famously hard-hit areas during study time, but one area that is overlooked all too often is the strain we put on our necks.

How To Avoid Burnout From Running

No matter how focused we are on a task or how committed to a schedule, we all go through periods when we need a break – both mentally and physically. This is the same for runners. This can happen after completing a big race that you've been working towards for months as it can be tough to stay motivated once you've reached your goal.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Day

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Day

Since 2009, the Multiple Sclerosis International Foundation has held an annual campaign to raise awareness for the 2.3 million people globally who live with MS. World MS Day takes place on the last Wednesday of May, with events taking place throughout the month leading up to it. This year, the event falls on the last day of May, Wednesday the 31st, and the theme is “Life with MS”.

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