Muscle Pain

Tips For Managing DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness)

Tips For Managing DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness)

Have you ever experienced intense soreness or stiffness in your muscles about 24 to 48 hours after an intense workout? This phenomenon is often referred to as DOMS, or delayed onset muscle soreness, and is a result of tiny, microscopic tears in your muscle fibres as a result of high intensity exercise.

What Happens During A Muscle Spasm?

What Happens During A Muscle Spasm?

A muscle spasm is often described as a painful involuntary muscle contraction that can suddenly occur and interrupt exercise. This is known as “exercise associated muscle cramping” and it can occur either during or after exercise has finished. As most people have experienced, muscle spasms occur more frequently in the calf muscle than others so our examples in this blog are based on that.

Hot vs. Cold: What Is The Best Treatment for a Back Injury?

Many of us have been subjected to an injury at some point, and it’s not unusual for us to try a number of different methods to try and get rid of the pain. Two of the most popular methods of alleviating pain is the applying of ice or heat. But there can be some confusion as to what kind of treatment should be used for certain injuries. 

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